Christopher Bollyn

Christopher has worked as an independent investigative journalist from 2000-2006 researching the events of 9/11.  In 2007, after having been assaulted by undercover police officers  at his residence and forced into exile, he began writing the book Solving 9-11. The book captures what really happened and brings the events of 9-11 into historical perspective.



Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - Audio Book

Download Solving 9-11 The Deception that Changed the World : Audio Book

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Christopher Bollyn on the Richie Allen Show 02-23-16 - Video

Waking people Up To The Massive Lie of 9/11 Is More Important Than Ever

Richie Allen Show - Guest Christopher Bollyn - YouTube Video


Blackbird9 Media Center Videos

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Christopher Bollyn RSS Archive - Audio

Christopher Bollyn on Radio Feb 2nd, 2010
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The Shift 27: 9/11 and the War on Terror with Christopher Bollyn
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Christopher Bollyn on Rense Radio 04/16/12
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Christopher Bollyn radio interview TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2010
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The Realist Report - Christopher Bollyn
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Kevin Barret Interviews Christopher Bollyn Dec 2010
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Christopher Bollyn on Radio (2006)
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Christopher Bollyn on radio for May 4th 2010
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Dale interviews Christopher Bollyn (11/09)
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Christopher Bollyn Radio Interview for Friday May 27th 2011
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Christopher Bollyn Radio Interview on 9/11
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Christopher Bollyn on Radio January 5th, 2010
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christopher bollyn on rbn
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Keeping it Real with guest Christopher Bollyn - Israeli involvement in 9/11
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christopher bollyn truth jihad radio interview
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Be Reasonable: Episode #040 – Christopher Bollyn
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Various Christopher Bollyn Radio Interviews
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Christopher Bollyn on Radio for July 6th 2010
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