Brizer and Graham Hart - May 16 2018 Interview

Brizer and Graham Hart - Recondo Interview - Blackbird9

Mr. Brizer and Mr. Graham Hart joins Fredrick on the The Big Nine At 9 Breakfast Club segment.

The Graham Hart Show broadcasts Monday Nights From 6-8pm Eastern


This Blackbird9  Big Nine at 9 Recondo Interview aired on May 16th, 2018

Brizer and Graham Hart - Blackbird9
Brizer and Graham Hart - Blackbird9

Interview Audio and Video - Brizer and Graham Hart

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May 16, 2018 -  Brizer and Graham Hart  - Big Nine at 9

Blackbird9's Breakfast Club  - Audio Link - mp3 - Archive

Interview 13

Brizer and Graham Hart were participants in the

'The Big Nine at 9' Recondo segment.

This Podcast Lounge interview aired on May 16th, 2018

Blackbird9's Breakfast Club

Audio MP3 - YouTube - Spreaker

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