Karin Smith and Helgard Muller - May 16 2018 Interview

Karin Smith and Helgard Muller - Recondo Interview - Blackbird9

Karin Smith and Helgard Muller drop by with the latest report on South Africa


This Blackbird9  Recondo Interview aired on May 16th, 2018

Karin Smith and Helgard Muller - Blackbird9
Karin Smith and Helgard Muller - Blackbird9

Interview Audio and Video - Karin Smith and Helgard Muller

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May 16, 2018 -  Karin Smith and Helgard Muller - Interview

Blackbird9's Breakfast Club  - Audio Link - mp3 - Archive

Interview 14

Karin Smith and Helgard Muller were participants in the

 Recondo Interview segment.

This Podcast Lounge interview aired on May 16th, 2018

Blackbird9's Breakfast Club

Audio MP3 - YouTube - Spreaker

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